Tension Fabric Stand Portable Banner Stand for Advertising [ Satýþ ]
Tension Fabric Stand Portable Banner Stand for Advertising
Tension Fabric Stand Portable Banner Stand for Advertising
Are you looking for an effective way to promote your business or event? Look no further than our tension fabric stand portable banner stand. This versatile and portable advertising solution is perfect for trade shows, conferences, retail displays, and more.
Easy to Set Up and Transport
One of the key advantages of our tension fabric stand portable banner stand is its ease of use.
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Guangzhou KinyuSigns Co., Ltd.
GuangZhou - Çin
Ürün Adý : Tension Fabric Stand Portable Banner Stand for Advertising
Gösterim : 524
Teklif Sayýsý : 0
Açýklama :
Tension Fabric Stand Portable Banner Stand for Advertising Are you looking for an effective way to promote your business or event? Look no further than our tension fabric stand portable banner stand. This versatile and portable advertising solution is perfect for trade shows, conferences, retail displays, and more. Easy to Set Up and Transport One of the key advantages of our tension fabric stand portable banner stand is its ease of use.
Firma Adý :

Firma Adý : Guangzhou KinyuSigns Co., Ltd.
Firma Tipi : Üretici
Ülke : GuangZhou / Çin
Kuruluþ Yýlý : GuangZhou / Çin
Adres : 4 Floor, HongSheng Building, XingHua Town, Xinhua Street, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China/ GuangZhou / Çin
Çalýþan Sayýsý : 1-5
Yýllýk Ciro : 0-1 Million US$
Yetkili : VINCENT ZHONG ( )
Web Adresi : https://www.kinyusigns.com/
Telefon : 18022451393
Fax :
Markalar :
Aldýðý Sipariþ : 0
Firma Hakkýnda
Guangzhou Kinyu Signs Co. , Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of new advertising products and a comprehensive group company integrating R&D , production and sales. The company mainly produces: Display Stands , Cutom Flags , Light boxes , Luminous Characters and Printing products , and supply all categories of raw materials. Providing one-stop supply services from raw materials to finished products for OEM Manufacturers and Distributors in adverti
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